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Elder’s Update – May 2022

Here is an update about the transition.
As an Elders Team, we’d like to update you on some role changes for our Elders Team and Lead Team.  Since 1989, Ken Taylor has been part of our Elders Team and the Lead Teaching Pastor here at Creekside Church.  In April 2020, we brought Pete Maddocks onto our Lead Team as a Co-Lead Teaching Pastor with Ken.  The plans to transition Ken off the Elders Team and Lead Team was supposed to have happened by April 2021, but as with many “plans” over the last 2 years, the pandemic changed a few things.  We took a bit longer and Ken stayed on the leadership teams to continue working with us to lead here at Creekside.  As a team, we have agreed to proceed with the transition, at this point in time.

What does this mean?
The Lead Team will now consist of Pete Maddocks and Chris Burge, and both of these Pastors will remain on the Elders Team.

And how about Ken? 
Well, we know God isn’t done with him yet, and neither are we!  We feel like God has a lot in store for his continued ministry here at Creekside, just in different ways.  Ken will remain on staff as the Associate Teaching Pastor.  So, you’ll continue to see him along with Pete, on stage and hear God speak through his messages on Sunday mornings. He’ll continue as a mentor and support for pastors around the Region of Waterloo in a variety of groups he’s part of already. And in September he’ll be leading and launching FOUNDATIONS Creekside’s Discipleship School for young adults ( While there will be a shift in his roles, Ken will continue to be an essential team member here at Creekside as we continue to seek to serve God in Waterloo Region and beyond.

Any of you who know Ken even just a little will know that he won’t want any fanfare or accolades for his faithful service to us here at Creekside Church.  But we’d be amiss not to express our extreme gratefulness for his wise and continuous counsel for over 32 years on the leadership team. Thank you, Ken.  Thank you for exemplifying Jesus to us and for serving and continuing to serve with us at Creekside. We love you.

The Elders Team
(Chris Burge, Charlie Elliott, Krista Jonker, Richard Kat, Pete Maddocks, Richard Magnussen, and Marnie Van Weelden)


June 2018

The Announcement

Ken shares at our Vision 2018 Meeting the plan to add an Associate Teaching Pastor.

June 2018

The Video

Ken releases a video to the entire congregation outlining the plan of adding a Teaching Pastor to the Team.

Summer 2018

The Description

Time was spent developing the job description, a profile of the ideal candidate and a finalized job posting.

Fall 2018

The Posting

Posting for an Associate Teaching Pastor is publicized for three months.

Fall 2018

The Response

Over 45 resumes were received.

December 2018

The Report

It was reported at the Celebrate Family Meeting that the Transition Team was assembled to process resumes.

December 2018

The Team

Jeff Witmer, Derek Smith, Kelley Myles, Laura Leyes, Laurie Starra, Ken Taylor, Chris Burge.


Winter and Spring 2019

The Processing

Over 100 resumes were processed by the Transition Team.  Including researching candidates, exploring contacts and generating new leads. 

May 2019

The Revision

After some evaluation, revisions were made to the Job Descripton and the title was changed to Co-Lead Teaching Pastor.

June 2019

The Report

Report by Transition Team Member, Kelley Myles, about the revision of the position title at the Celebrate Family meeting.

June 2019

The Re-Posting

The posting of the Co-Lead Teaching Pastor was re-posted for two months.

Summer/Fall 2019

The Re-Processing

Over 150 resumes were processed by the Transition Team.

November 2019

The Candidate

The team zeroed in on a specific candidate and meetings with the candidate began.

December 2019

The Update

Ken shares an update that the search was narrowed to one candidate.  
The Transition Team interviews the candidate and references are followed up on.   They officially recommend the candidate Peter Maddocks to the Elders for the position of Co-Lead Teaching Pastor. 


January 2020

The Interview

The Elders interview Peter Maddocks.

January 2020

The Recommendation

Following careful and prayerful consideration, the Elders are pleased to introduce Peter Maddocks as the candidate for the role of Co-Lead Teaching Pastor.

January 19 & 26, 2020

The Messages

Peter Maddocks spoke at Creekside Waterloo Campus for all morning services.
Opportunity to meet Pete and Marlene followed each service.

January 26, 2020

The Meeting

There was a question and answer meeting with Pete at 3pm @ Waterloo Campus.

Feb 2, 2020

The Vote

Membership voted and affirmed Peter Maddocks as a Staff Elder.