Thursday Prayer Gathering
Join us Thursdays from 8:30 – 9:10am via Zoom
To access the Zoom link, fill out this form.
Saturday Prayer Gathering
Join us Saturdays from 10-11am at Creekside Waterloo for praise, worship and prayer for God to move in our lives, our region and our world.
For more info contact Eunice at
Prayer is the way we can connect with God.
Here is a simple template to follow to help create moments of prayer.
Teresa Maki
My mother attended creekside online from Toronto every Sunday for years. She is in the end stages of life. She has interstitial lung disease and caught pneumonia. Please pray that she hangs on until Sunday evening so that her granddaughter who is flying in has a chance to say goodbye. And even more so pray for her comfort and peace as she is scared about not being able to breathe.