Here at Creekside we are devoted to… Giving our best to the cause of Christ.
We’re into teaming up with God by offering our time and our talents. We would like to help you find your place at Creekside and serve On A Team.

You can help with these current volunteer opportunities
Meet some fantastic people who serve at Creekside.
Nursery – Kindergarten
Contact: Marina Zegarra
Nursery / Walkers Helper
Show God’s love to our babies by cuddling, encouraging, and playing along.
• Time Commitment: Every or every other Sunday – one service
• Frequency: On-going serving
2’s & 3’s / JK / SK
Are you a fun-loving, responsible adult or youth who wants to make Sunday morning a fun place for kids? We’ve got a spot for you.
• Time Commitment: Every or every other Sunday – one service
• Frequency: On-going serving
Grades 1 – 6
Contact: Hilary Hawley
Small Group leaders create relationships with kids by guiding a small group of kids through lesson-related discussions and activities.
• Time Commitment: Every or every other Sunday – one service
• Frequency: On-going serving
Playground Team
Contact: Hilary Hawley
Playground Team
We are looking for friendly, enthusiastic people to work in a fun environment. You can choose from interacting with parents at the playground, serving refreshments at the café or assisting with our preschool programming.
Playground is open September to May
• Time Commitment: 9:00am-11:30am
• Frequency: Serve one morning per week (Monday to Thursday) or as available
Helping jr. high and high school students become fully devoted followers of Jesus. Walking alongside youth as they discover authentic faith.
Contact: Emily Koch
Builds mentoring relationships with youth and helps coordinate the Thursday evening TNT program. Participates in leadership team meetings and TNT retreats.
• Time Commitment: September to June, Thursday evenings 6:30p – 9:00p
• Frequency: On-going serving
Builds mentoring relationships with youth and helps coordinate the Wednesday evening REV program. Participates in leadership team meetings and REV retreats.
• Time Commitment: September to June, Wednesday evenings 6:30p – 9:30p
• Frequency: On-going serving
Contact: Jeff Austen
LifeGroups are really the heart of our church. A place where you can experience intimacy with God, and grow friendships as you impact each other’s lives and influence our region and world through serving.
Warm, friendly adults who enjoy providing a home environment where guests feel comfortable.
• Time Commitment: 2 hours per week
• Frequency: Ongoing Serving
Participating members who long to care for and encourage growth in a small group of adults.
• Time Commitment: 4 hrs/week
• Frequency: Ongoing Serving
Contact: Jeff Austen
Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, comfortable setting. Anyone can attend this 10-week course to investigate Christianity.
Help out in the kitchen, serving dinner for Alpha attendees.
• Time Commitment: Monday evening
• Frequency: On-going serving
Set up tables and chairs for Alpha group.
• Time Commitment: Monday (sometime during the day)
• Frequency: On-going serving
Assist with any aspect of the ALPHA course: set up room, greet attendees, prepare food, host a book table, host a session, lead or help with discussions.
• Time Commitment: Alpha meets on Monday evenings
• Frequency: One Time Serving / First Serve
On site or off site prayer intercessors, praying for our Alpha participants. Join a small group of dedicated prayer people, as they pray for our Alpha participants & team members.
• Time Commitment: 2 hours/once a week
• Frequency: Monday evenings | September – December
Care Ministries
Hospital / Home Visitation
Contact: Jeff Austen
Care to visit with sick or grieving people? Consider hospital / home visitation care.
• Time Commitment: As required
• Frequency: On-going service
Contact: Jeff Austen
Driving people to care groups and / or Sunday morning service.
• Time Commitment: As required
• Frequency: On-going / as needed
Care Partner
Contact: Jeff Austen
Provide listening, prayer and encouragement for others.
• Time Commitment: As required
• Frequency: On-going service
Prayer Support
Contact: Jeff Austen
Provide prayer support for people struggling or in need.
• Time Commitment: As required
• Frequency: On-going / as needed
Event Volunteer
Contact: Jeff Austen
Assist in with a special event at Creekside.
• Time Commitment: As required per event
• Frequency: As needed
Freezer Meal Team
Contact: Jeff Austen
Prepare meals for people in need.
• Time Commitment: As required, a few hours a month or year
• Frequency: On-going serving
Money Map Coach
Contact: Jeff Austen
Provide budget coaching and practical suggestions for improving financial situations.
• Time Commitment: As required. 5 hours per month
• Frequency: On-going service
Provide prayer support for people struggling or in need after weekend services. Must be a mature Christ-follower with the capacity to pray with sensitivity and care for a wide variety of issues.
• Time Commitment: Approx. 15 – 20 minutes after the service
• Frequency: Every other Sunday in 2 services plus occasional extra opportunities
Celebration Place (Kids Program Friday Nights)
Nursery/Preschool(up t0 3 years)
- 6:15p-8:40p, no prep is required
- Ensure that our youngest kids (up to 3yrs old) have a safe, fun, and engaging evening while their caregiver(s) attend Celebrate Recovery.
Small Group/Centre Leader
- 6:10p-8:40p, prep required.
- Help CP kids during Large Group & lead a group during Small Group; a game, craft or activity that helps to flesh out the idea taught by the teacher
Large Group Teachers
- 6:10p-8:40p, prep required
- Teach lessons and stories that come alive for the CP kids in a way that will stay with them throughout the coming week, following the DNA of our CP curriculum.
Special Friend
- 6:10p-6:35p, no prep is required
- Support one or two kids who need one-on-one attention. Twice a month or as available. Previous relevant experience a benefit.
Kids Check-in/Registration
- 6:10p-6:35p, no prep is required
- Greet families, register new families & facilitate check-in
Small Group/Center Helper
- 6:10p-8:40p, no prep is required
- You provide a stable and supportive influence. Your gift of compassion and understanding can have a lasting impact on our CP
Email Cordelia Juhlke, Celebration Place Coordinator
Celebrate Recovery (Ages 18+)
- 2-week rotation, any time before 5:30p
- Set-up: resource cart, tables, chairs, etc
- 2-week rotation, starting at 9:00p
- Return resource cart, tables/chairs to storage locations @9:oop
Slide Operator
- 5:30-7:30p, every 4 weeks
- Advancing slides during Large Group using ProPresenter. Training provided.
- 5:30-7:30p, every 4 weeks
- Operate soundboard for Large Group. Training provided.
Vocals & Band
- 5:30p-7:30p, every 4 weeks
- Male/female vocalists for CR worship teams. Versed in contemporary worship. Audition required.
- Guitarists, drummers, keyboardists. Previous experience is required, fluent in contemporary worship. Audition required.
- If you are interested, your next step would be to fill out the intake form HERE.
Transportation Team
- Every 4 weeks 6:1op-6:30p & 9:00p-9:20p
- Picking up CR participants from Conestoga Mall (CIBC parking lot) & returning them to the mall