In Person Service Times
8:25a, 9:45a or 11:15a
Online Service Times
9:45a or 11:15a

Ages 0 – 2
Each week our preschoolers are cared for by loving volunteers in an safe, age appropriate environment.
Click HERE for
Creekside Kids Resources
JK to Grade 6
Creekside Kids is an environment where kids hear engaging, relevant biblical teaching about God’s amazing love for them.

Grade 7-8
TNT is a great place for Jr. High students (grade 7-8) to grow closer to God and connect with one another, all while having a whole lot of fun.
Thursday: 6:45p

Grade 9-12
Revolution is committed to helping high school students discover just how radical following Jesus should be.
Wednesday: 7p
Explore Creekside
Find out what we are all about.