This Christmas Season we are asking everyone to consider giving to a special Christmas offering throughout the month of December that is over and above your regular giving.
Impact Ecuador is a ministry that runs out of Quito, Ecuador. It supports many programs and services for the community. A van is to help the ministry of Impact Ecuador in Carmen Bajo, and will be used to shuttle kids and adults to all kinds of events, retreats, and activities in and around Quito.
We also are partners with a church in Uganda. This portion is to help subsidize the purchase of a new piece of land for the church to build on and purchase a new canvas roof for the lunch pad used in the school and feeding programs. This donation will also help purchase new sound-video equipment and secure storage.
The third project will be creating a secondary entrance to our Waterloo Campus. This will make traffic flow more efficient on Sunday mornings and save everyone time. Also, we anticipate several years of construction on Conservation Drive and this will provide an ease of access to our Waterloo Campus.
660 Conservation Dr,
Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM